
The Ethiopian Trading Businesses Corporation held a foundation-laying ceremony on Saturday, March 1st, 2023, for the construction of a building complex with cold store and in Akaky Kality Sub City, Addis Ababa. The construction project comprises of a cold store that preserves various fruits and vegetable products the corporation supplies to its customer, and a ten-floor building complex that features a supermarket, laboratories and parking lots, among others. The 1.3 billion birr construction project is expected to be finalized in four years.

The facilities and associated technologies to be deployed in the building aim at enhancing the fruits and vegetable trading business of the corporation maintain and delivery diversified quality products to consumers.

During the opening of the foundation-laying ceremony, Ato Acha Demisse, CEO of ETBC said that the corporation is exerting its utmost effort to satisfy the demands of its customers through supply of basic consumer products at affordable prices throughout the country. He said that, through its fruits and vegetable trading business, the corporation has long served its customers by supplying a variety of locally produced fruits and vegetables and, in light of that, the construction of the new cold store as well as associated modern technologies help reach customers with quality and products by allowing for extended shelf life of products in larger stocks.

“The construction of the facility and its built-in technologies also help local producers earn better incomes for their produce,” he said.

Ato Hassan Muhumed, Chair of ETBC’s Board of Ditectors, urged those involved in the construction project to deliver their unreserved effort towards the successful completion of the project and assured the Board is ready to provide any support for the successful implementation of the project.
